Colors of a vivid life

„What matters is how quickly you do what your soul wants” – Rumi

April 2010, Amsterdam. A sunny Thursday in a great city. Successful interviews for a new job, followed by a „rewarding afternoon” in Amsterdam.

Waterstone bookstore is already one of my favorite places, an experience that I truly enjoy irrespective while in London and Amsterdam. Watching the book shelves, see the librarians recommendations, browsing the pages of the books are the natural gestures, whenever I pick up some new books. Among other books The artist’s way”  by Julia Cameron was the favourite one.

Since then, I passed thru the excellent stories and exercises several times and came to the conclusion that „The artist’s way” is much more than a book. I can compare it to a journey within my own self , an exploratory work that makes the past accesible and the future rewarding.

The „morning pages” is one of the key exercises, a form of meditation that activated the sub-conscious mind and made the hidden thoughts and feelings coming to the surface. Digging deep in the ocean of thoughts, I became aware about the emotions that meant something in that very moment.

The other exercise that I truly enjoy and incorporate in my actual life is „The artist date”. At least once per week, I visit an exhibition, art shop or any kind of creative space and get inspiration directly from the sources.

Seeing, hearing, sensing, tasting, feeling – having 5-sense experience represent the basis for any creative process and for a creativelly full life. Being present and exercising my heart’s desire are the first steps to create the ground of a refreshed existance. The vision of the garden was clear in my mind months ago. I feel like a gardner who carefully prepared the soil, bought high quality seeds and planted. Then, mix together passion and patience and see what it comes. I as really curious to find out as a child ready to receive the X-mas gift !

I still love to plan, organize, look at facts and figures and analyze. Besides, Julia Cameron taught me how „The artist’s way” looks like. Now, it is my turn to find my tools, create a life full of colors, perfumes, music and joy and express myself in a way that might inspire and touch other people’s lives. This is what my soul wants, this is what my mind intends. Sooner rather than later, I found it !

PS : Let me share with you the online „Artist’s date” of this week. In case you haven’t met Juarez Machado yet, let me introduce him to you ! He reflects in the best possible way my life motto „Life is a joyful dance!”

Juarez Machado, Brazilian painter borne in 1941 studied fine artsat the School of Art in the state of Parana, inthe city of Curitiba. He has worked in illustration, theatre, television, sculpture and gravure. Since 1986, he has lived in Paris.